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Linking discovery to respiratory health


Nora Barrett, MD
Associate Professor, HMS
Director of Research Training, Allergy and Immunology

Our lab is interested in defining the role of innate immunity in homeostasis, repair, and disease in the respiratory tract, where environmental determinants play a key role in both immunopathogenesis and health.  Using biochemical, molecular, and genomic approaches in mouse and human model systems, we focus on the cellular and molecular signals underlying the initiation and persistence of type 2 immunity at mucosal sites. Our ultimate goal is to understand key regulatory features to prevent and treat diseases such as asthma.


EAACI Summer Symposium on Epithelial Biology

July 2024

EAACI Summer Symposium on Epithelial Biology

July 2024

Nora and Amelia at Time Out Market

May 2024

Barrett Lab selfie!

May 2024

Nora and Alyson at Time Out Market

May 2024

Nora and George at Time Out Market

May 2024

Dr. Austen’s Birthday


Collegium Internationale Allergologicum meeting

October 2023

Barrett Lab Outing 2024 with Nils


Cape Cod


Minkyu and Xin at the Gordon Research Conference

August 2023

Minkyu, Nora, and Xin at the Gordon Research Conference

August 2023

Xin’s Paper is Published in JACI

February 2023

Nora is inducted into ASCI

April 2023

Michael joins the Lab

June 2023

Nora and Fareed


George Graduates

June 2023

Celebration of Nora Barrett’s receipt of the Joshua A. Boyce, MD Distinguished Chair in Allergy and Clinical Immunology

July 2022

Nils Goes to the Karolinska

August 2022

Xin Presents at the AAAAI

February 2021

Kimmy Gets Into Her Top PhD Program

February 2021

Minkyu Joins the Lab

November 2020

Nora Is Promoted to Associate Professor

September 2020

Dan Establishes His Own Lab

July 2020

Lora Launches Her Independent Lab

July 2020
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